Our approach

As the population grows, the challenges of supplying energy become greater and more complex. In many cases, bespoke solutions are needed for gas networks, particularly in busy, built-up environments.


Durable, high quality gas supply piping systems

Aliaxis offers high quality polyethylene (PE) pipes for both new and upgraded or repaired pipelines, with the ability to transport gases including low pressure natural gas and LPG. Our solutions are designed to meet the highest safety standards in the gas industry.

International and local expertise

We also offer customised solutions and coordinate their on-site installation at our Biatorbágy site. This ensures fast and safe installation even in the most difficult circumstances.

With our sales and technical advisors, we provide assistance, training packages and, if required, we can also partner with you for on-site installation guidance. 


Our plastic pipe systems offer greater flexibility and reliability than traditional metal systems, as they are lighter, corrosion resistant and therefore more cost effective. They offer a long service life and require little maintenance.


Sieci gazowe instalowane za pomocą produktów marki Friatec

Gas networks

Solutions for gas pipelines must be designed to meet the demands of a growing population. Aliaxis offers products that perform well on even the most complex projects of this type.

Zgrzewanie rurociągu w Londynie z wykorzystaniem produktów marki Friatec

PE Connectors

Ensuring the safety of the public and protecting the environment means providing gas and water pipelines that are robust and safe. In this regard, Aliaxis offers a wide range of fittings for polyethylene (PE) pipe networks that ensure the highest tightness of connections.

Zgrzewarka Friatec produkowana w Niemczech

Welding machines and accessories

We offer suitably matched equipment for assembling safe couplings and sewer system fittings and tools: electrofusion welders, pipe peelers, calibration clamps, clamping devices and other equipment for joining PE pipelines.